Currently on display at:

Previous exhibitions include:

  • The Art Terrarium in Des Moines, Iowa. (August - October 2017)

  • Sustain Gallery, UpTown-Chicago (May 2018)

  • 3.10 Night Market and Exhibition, Bucktown-Chicago (March 2018)

  • 12.15 Night Market and Exhibition, Lincoln Park-Chicago (December 2017)

The Dream Bar Collection (2017-2018) is comprised of 6 acrylic wall sconces in fluorescent red, green, blue and orange, deep red, and grey.  Each of the 33 LEDs on every Dream Bar are driven by an Arduino Nano, and can be powered directly by 5V USB power from any USB port. Initial sample code, provided by members of the Arduino community, has been altered by Cody to allow for constantly randomized animation while the sconce is receiving power. The WS2812b LED tape and Arduino Nano micro-controller are embedded in a solid slab of clear acrylic, with component pockets sculpted by a CNC-machine. Atop each LED sits an acrylic rod, stimulating the light to travel tightly through the rod and emanate brilliantly from the tops, similarly to fiber optics. If you are curious about the construction, technology, or conception of these objects, feel free to contact me.
